Emergency Preparedness


Madison School has a well-stocked emergency bin containing supplies for staff and students in the event that they are required to remain on campus during an emergency or disaster situation. Students are also expected to have their own disaster kits which will be stored in special bins in their classrooms.
Look in the back of your RBUSD Parent/Student Handbook for information about what to put in a disaster kit and an emergency information sheet, which must be completed and included in the kit. (The handbook and form are included in your Back-To-School Packet on the first day of school.) Items that are typically requested for a disaster kit include:
  • The Disaster Preparedness Form.
  • One old sweatshirt or sweater.
  • One small packet of Kleenex.
  • One small packet of wet wipes.
  • One 6-ounce can of juice.
  • Three small snack packages - please choose commercially vacuum-packed items such as granola bars, peanuts, beef jerky, life savers, fruit rolls, etc.
Three small snack packages - please choose commercially vacuum-packed items such as granola bars, peanuts, beef jerky, life savers, fruit rolls, etc.
These items should be placed in a 1-gallon Ziploc bag and the bag should be sealed securely with tape. Please write the child's name and classroom on the front of the bag and have the emergency information form facing outwards. Please bring the bag back to school on Friday September 5th (or as soon as possible thereafter).
Please do NOT add extra items or quantities than those stated above as space in the bins is limited! Also, please do not include loose snacks or crackers that can be easily crushed. If you wish, you may include a letter and family photo in the bag for your child, as these may be a source of comfort in the event of an emergency and extended separation.
Please note that if your child attends the CDC program, you should also send a second disaster kit to be kept in their CDC classroom.
Madison Comprehensive School Safety Plan can be found here.


The Redondo Beach Unified School District has created a special webpage to keep you informed about school safety and emergency issues. To visit, click here.